Springing Forward into April Days of Observance

The month of April brings with it many days of observance and events to remember and to celebrate. First, above all, it’s for me a time to honor and celebrate Resurrection Day which this year is April 4th. As a faithful follower of Christ, I am ever so grateful for the sacrifice He made to offer salvation and freedom to all who believe and receive it. The belief that He died and rose for the sins of the world is the cornerstone of our Christian faith, second only to His actual arrival. Jesus was born to die for us – it’s why He came – and it’s why I’m thankful.


There are many other observances to highlight throughout the month; it seems there is always a day, a week and a month of SOMETHING, some pretty silly but some definitely worth recognizing. The following are the immediates:

April 2nd

  • Good Friday
  • Autism Awareness Day
  • National Reconciliation Day

April 3rd: National Love Our Children Day

Good Friday

Good Friday is the day of Jesus’ actual crucifixion. It was the day that He endured the most heinous and unimaginable suffering, was nailed to the Cross and died. It was a most brutal start to a most triumphant conclusion!

Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness Day is one specific day of a whole month of bringing continued awareness of those with autism and the people who them. Along with other events throughout the month, on April 2nd, the world uses the color blue to highlight awareness. The #lightitupblue theme is promoted as a way to share information, raise funds and encourage kindness and understanding to a segment of the global population that most certainly deserves it. Click https://www.autismspeaks.org/light-it-blue for information and ideas on how to recognize the day in your own way. I’ll talk more about autism awareness throughout the month and how it has directly touched me and family.

National Reconciliation Day

If a day was ever needed… this day is recognized as one to encourage the reconciliation of broken relationships. The political contention of last year resulted in a number of broken relationships that are symptomatic of a broken country. It was far too easy for people to draw partisan lines in the sand, even with loved ones, in “support” of their own individual beliefs. While I wouldn’t promote the pursuit of toxic, unhealthy or harmful relationships, I absolutely encourage at least an evaluation of those that may be worth saving. Could pride be preventing you from being the first to reach out? Is there more that you could have done to keep the relationship intact? Was it really all the other person or could you have contributed to the conflict? Self-awareness is a huge part of my message as a coach. It means that self-examination should be what happens before we look to anyone else, in this case in the context of reconciling relationships. Let’s celebrate relationships this month (HEALTHY ones) by committing to working on them where possible. Consider checking out the following link if you have relationships that are in need of mending: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/days-2/national-reconciliation-day-april-2/

Love Our Children Day

The final day of observance that I’ll highlight is National Love Our Children Day on April 3rd. I could dedicate a whole separate write-up to this day as one of the joys of my life is being a mother to my two awesome sons. I try to shower as much love on them as possible to help them mature into adulthood with the confidence and support they need to make the transition. Along those lines, I would like to say the loving our children takes on different forms. We all feel love in very individual and personal ways but one universal way we can all love our children is by preparing them as much as possible for their futures. Many times, in the name of love, parents do too much for their children and are over protective of them. I try hard myself not to make the mistake TOO often. It’s absolutely instinctive to protect them and want to keep them safe but it’s crucial to find a balance. I could talk about THAT all day, and perhaps I soon will in another post or forum, but I’ll leave it at that for now. In the meantime, what ways can you or do you show love to your children? Pop on over to Instagram on April 3rd and let me know. You can follow me at www.instagram.com/reallifetrueyou

Be Intentional

Hopefully I’ve given you all some days of observance to consider for the remainder of the month of April. It would be impossible to recognize EVERYTHING or pick up the torch for everyone but a little awareness goes a long way to being intentional about the way we relate to the world and the people in it. If you know anything about me, you know I’m all about intentionality! My goal always and in everything is to point you back to YOU — what reflects you. What motivates, encourages, builds and brings out the best in you. The observances I highlight might not speak to you as much as they do for me but the point is for YOU to find what does. That’s what being intentional is all about. In the spirit of intentionality concerning your growth, I would love to be a part of your process. Please click this link https://www.reallifetrueyou.com/services/ to contact and set up a consultation with me.


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