Celebrate Yourself by Celebrating Life

My whole platform is about helping you get the most enjoyment out of your life. Part of that is finding what makes you feel most like YOU. Somebody somewhere out there has found a way to celebrate days of observation for pretty much anything and I am here for it! There are several occasions this week that I would like to highlight and I hope they give you cause for celebration as well.

National Gardening Day — April 14th

I love gardening! I’ve always loved fresh flowers but since my family has been in our current home, I’ve come to enjoy gardening as a very relaxing and rewarding way to spend my time. There’s nothing (for me) like getting outside when the Spring weather arrives, getting my hands in the dirt and preparing the outside environment for the beauty that the Spring and Summer blossoms bring. I get downright giddy when I see the first signs of my perennial blooms start to pop up through the soil. (umm, perennials are the flowers that you plant one time that come back every year. You’re welcome. LOL) It’s an annual sign that something that I did before actually worked and it feels like a great reward.

Gardening doesn’t have to be hard and, according to a Princeton University study, it’s also good for you! The “smart people” say that the benefits are comparable to those you get from walking or riding a bike. You can start really simple and go from there, with perennials, for example, pretty much the only thing that I have planted because you plant them once and they come back year after year. There’s always maintenance and some care but I actually enjoy the process. I put on some good music and enjoy a few good hours of time outside by myself doing something that I really enjoy. My yard benefits from it too as the flowers add good curb appeal. As a gift to you, I put together a quick guide for easy perennials to start with in your garden.

Emancipation Day — April 16th

Emancipation Day is celebrated in Washington, DC as the day in 1862 when President Lincoln signed the freedom papers for over 3000 slaves in the city, three years before slaves in the rest of the country were officially set free. The day is a holiday in DC and, though I don’t live directly in the city, I once did. I am still a member of the DMV (DC/Maryland/Virginia) club as a resident of Maryland so I celebrate in solidarity! DC has often gotten the short end of the stick, namely still fighting for full representation via statehood but this day was a win for them. Pre-COVID celebrations included parades and all the festivities which are sure to return when the time is right. And SAFE!

Husband Appreciation Day — April 17th

I welcome ANY day to celebrate and appreciate my boyfriend and husbae of almost 22 years. I think the more years you check off on the marriage calendar, the easier it is to fall into the trap of taking your significant other for granted. The tendency in marriage, like with many other things, is to kind of cruise when things are fine and become vocal only when things are wrong. Think about a restaurant meal, or your car. You don’t typically make a point of calling your service providers on any given day to tell them how much you appreciate whatever they are providing you. You just make use of it and take for granted that it’s there when you need it. The moment something goes wrong, though, you’re on the phone with your complaint and your expectation that whatever is wrong will be made right! Right? It can be that way in marriage too, if we’re not intentional about it, and days like an appreciation day are a good reminder to focus on the good.

Expressing appreciation can be a big deal but it also doesn’t have to be. It’s important, wives, to know your husband and what makes him feel appreciated. Find some way, big or small, to let him know that you see how hard he works for you and your family, or how much he makes you laugh or how you appreciate him having your back the way he does. Whatever it is that he does for you, let him know it. I’m sure HE’LL appreciate that!

Make the Most Out of Life

At the end of the day, my point is to find the things that help you to celebrate and make the most out of your life. There is PLENTY going on in the world right now to bring us down. Balancing the drama with goodness is a way to not just survive or get through the “day-to-dayness” of life, but to THRIVE. To experience joy. As often as possible and in as many ways as possible. The way that happens is completely an individual thing that only you can determine. I will always offer you suggestions but I encourage you to do the work yourself to also figure out what works for you. That’s the way to be YOU and to make your life BeYOUtiful.

Check out these resources to help you get started with growing that green thumb https://www.healthline.com/health/healthful-benefits-of-gardening


Info and tips all about the husbands for you wives https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/husband-appreciation-day/  OR https://nationaltoday.com/husband-appreciation-day/

Finally, please contact me if you need help with finding what’s going to help you get the most joy out of your life. It’s why I’m here.


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